HAZOP is an abbreviated term for HAZard and OPerability study. It is a technique that identifies the potential hazards and operating issues with the design and construction of equipment and plant. The study involves the interaction of a multi-disciplinary team. The identification is carried out using a series of keywords to examine deviations and their subsequent effects on the process as a whole. Once the hazard and operability concerns are identified, appropriate actions are recommended. LOPA stands for, Layer Of Protection Analysis, which is used in the study of SIL, which in turn stands for Safety Integrated Level.
This 2-day HAZOP, LOPA & SIL course introduces the concept of hazard assessment, process Hazard Analysis techniques, and risk matrix and details of the HAZOP technique. A successful HAZOP is only possible if the study team is effective. Following the HAZOP concepts the use of LOPA to identify SIL’s will be demonstrated.
Participants will:
- Become familiar with the concepts of a HAZOP study
- Understand the principles and methodology of a HAZOP study
- Understand the requirements of management, preparation, planning, HAZOP team, documentation, as well the review of HAZOP study
- Understand the methodology in conducting a process hazard review
- Preparation and Organization of PHA Studies
- Selection of Study Nodes / Design intent of node
- Guidelines for managing the team
- Recording Study Results / Maintaining Quality Control
- Management of Results and Recommendations
- Communication of Results to Management
- Understand how to identify the SIFs using previous PHA studies (HAZOP’s, What If Analyses, etc.).
- Assign target SIL’s to the SIFs using LOPA