
HACCP Implementation

HACCP Implementation

HACCP is defined as ‘’Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points’’. Since its early design by Pillsbury for NASA in the 1970’s HACCP has been adapted by most countries worldwide as a legal requirement. The Alcam Group can implement a fully functional HACCP plan customised to your business using the 7 HACCP principles developed by CODEX while at the same time conduct on the job training of your staff in how to use and maintain the HACCP system.


  1. Conduct a Hazard Analysis.
  2. Determine the Critical Control Points (CCP’s).
  3. Establish Critical Limit(s).
  4. Establish a System to Monitor the Control of CCP's.
  5. Establish the Corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates a loss of control.
  6. Establish procedures for verification to confirm that HACCP is working effectively.
  7. Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to these principles and their application


If you would like to learn more about how we can assist you in implementing a HACCP system or in providing HACCP implementation training for your team, please contact us on peter@alcamgroup.com or use the ''Contact Us'' page