
VDU Workstation Ergonomic Risk Assessment


Book 5 and Receive a discount of €395 using Coupon Code : DSE299F2

This ½ day course is designed to enable all employees at a Visual Display Unit (VDU) workstation to carry out and record a Ergonomic risk assessment.




This ½ day course is designed to enable all employees at a Visual Display Unit (VDU) workstation to carry out and record a Ergonomic risk assessment of the area. This course will in the long run save time and money in the task of risk assessing every VDU work station in your organisation.


Course Content

  • VDU Legislation.
  • Anatomy and body mechanics.
  • Occupational injuries.
  • Hazard identification.
  • VDU risk assessment.
  • Ergonomic factors.
  • Injury / Hazard Prevention methods.
  • Risk reduction implementation.
  • Wellness  exercises.