
Safety & Loss Prevention


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Modern concepts of Loss Prevention and Loss Control are based on risk management. Apart from injuries to personnel and others, uninsured losses from …




Modern concepts of Loss Prevention and Loss Control are based on risk management. Apart from injuries to personnel and others, uninsured losses from major accidents can be extremely high. The Piper Alpha accident for example cost more than $8bn and 167 fatalities. In this program you will be taught how to:

  • Improve your practical skills in applying proactive and reactive concepts of loss prevention.
  • Gain familiarity with projects, HSE plans and reviews.
  • Appreciate the role of accident investigation and root-cause analysis.
  • Appreciate the role of a Quantified Risk Assessment in investigating major hazards.



  • Project technical personnel.
  • All personnel involved in implementing a Company’s HSE Management System.


PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES – Participants attending the program will:

  • appreciate the consequences of major accidents in terms of fire, explosion, toxic releases and their costs.
  • provide participants with a clear understanding of risk assessment techniques and hands-on experience in applying this technique to their own sphere of activities.
  • analyse some principal stages in the accident chain and hazard models. This concept will be used to systematically analyse the root causes for selected accidents/incidents, which have occurred.
  •  provide program members with the experience in the application of quantified risk assessment ‘QRA’.
  • ensure consistent optimization of resource allocation for production, maintenance and safety, based on risk and cost-benefit analysis.
  • Emphasis throughout the program will be placed on the practical application of advanced risk management techniques to new projects and current activities.



Participants will learn by active participation during the program through the use of exercises, syndicate and group discussion, training videos and discussions on relevant types of accidents and “real life” issues in their organizations.



This program is aimed at providing hands-on experience on the application of loss prevention principles relevant to a wide variety of industries. This program will enable attendees to identify hazards, particularly those resulting from human error, evaluating risks and targeting resources to prevent accidents through effective risk management. The program will also provide familiarity with the concept of Safety Case for major hazards, accidents analysis and modern risk management techniques for planning and implementing action plans.



DAY 1 – HSE Management Systems

  • Elements of HSE Management System.
  • Risk Management.
  • Cost-benefit Analysis for optimization of protection.
  • Planning and Implementing action plans.
  • Target setting.
  • Prioritizing and targeting corrective and preventive measures.


DAY 2 – Incident Investigation

  • Proactive and Reactive measurement of HSE performance.
  • Learning from accidents at work.
  • Organizational requirements for accident investigation.
  • Active error, latent failures and pre-conditions.
  • Root cause analysis.
  • Human factors and accidents causation.
  • Incident investigation framework.
  • Root cause analysis techniques.
  • Fault Tree Analysis ‘FTA’.
  • Event & Causal Factors Analysis ‘E&CFA’.
  • Practical applications for modern accident analysis techniques.
  • Piper Alpha.


DAY 3 – Introduction to Quantified Risk Assessment ‘QRA’

  • Elements of Quantified Risk Assessment.
  • Analysis of the consequences.
  • Commercial Software for Fire, Explosion and toxic release modelling.
  • Review of recent QRA Studies carried out by a Consultant.
  • Decision Trees and Event Tree Analysis.
  • Concept of the Safety Case for Offshore Installations.
  • Applications for Safety Cases.


DAY 4 – Projects HSE Plans and Reviews

  • Elements of Project HSE Plan.
  • Stages of Project Development.
  • Project HSE Reviews ‘PHSER’.
  • The role of HAZOP and QRA in project development.
  • Personal action plans, program review and the way forward.