This program covers the most modern methods and techniques for the effective management of the stores and inventory control functions. It is necessary to plan and control movements of materials and to measure performance of stock control by constant inventory checks and audits. This course is specifically tailored to provide a better awareness and understanding of job responsibilities for staff working in a warehouse.
Course Objectives
- Participants will have better knowledge of operating and controlling a store or warehouse through the planning and organisation of processes to the benefit of an organization.
- Participants will, in addition, learn the process flow of warehouse’s operations.
- Effectively manage warehouse operations in order to maximize inventory control performance and other activities essential to the overall supply chain management.
Who should attend ?
This course is suited for all levels of staff working in a store or warehouse including the manager, supervisor, administration staff and warehouse operators. Internal and external auditors who need to understand the processes and controls of a store or warehouse are also encouraged to attend in order to create more effective audits.
Participants are not required to have any special background knowledge of warehouse management.
Course methodology
This course is presented as a lecture using PowerPoint presentations, case studies, pre-test and end of course test.
Course structure
- Overview: logistics, warehouse definition, objectives.
- Importance of warehouses in logistics management and business.
- Organisation: functions and staff in a store, organization chart.
- Functions : store manager, supervisor, clerk, operators, drivers.
- Designs : location, planning layout, space, personnel, storage.
- Planning & Control : budgeting, information, stock holding costs, turnover, vendor management, consignment stock, outsourcing.
- Safety & Environment : key legislation, guidelines, risk assessment, responsibilities.
- Addressing various problems in warehouse management.
- Inventory Classification.
- The ABC Classification.
- Inventory Record Accuracy.
- Organizing the Storage and Material Handling.
- Layout of the Warehouse.
- Storage Utilization and Organization.
- Stock Location.
- Fixed Versus Random Location.
- Material Handling Equipment.
- How to Improve the Receiving/ Issuing.
- Material Handling Operations.
- Safety in the Warehouse.
- Safety Hazards.
- Planning for Safety.
- Dealing with People-related Warehousing Problems.
- Corrective Guidance.
- Communication Problems.
- Maximize productivity in the Warehouse.
- Causes of Lost Time.
- Warehousing Management Through Performance Analysis (KPIs).
- Communication : reporting, meetings, recruitment.
- Motivation : leadership, delegation, training, discipline, appraisal.