Verification Dossier
It is necessary to ensure that any installation complies with the relevant equipment certificate as well as with IEC 60079-14 and any other requirements specific to the plant on which the installation takes place. To capture this information the standard requires that A verification dossier shall be prepared for every installation and be integrated into the Safety Management System (SMS).
The Information required is as follows:
Site information:
- Area classification documents with plans showing the classification and extent of the hazardous areas including the zoning (and maximum permissible dust layer thickness if the hazard is due to dust).
- Optional assessment of consequences of ignition.
- Gas, vapour or dust classification in relation to the group or subgroup of the electrical
- Temperature class or ignition temperature of the gas or vapour involved.
- Material characteristics including electrical resistivity
- The minimum Ignition temperature of the dust cloud, minimum ignition temperature of the dust layer and minimum ignition energy of the dust cloud
- External influences and ambient temperatures
Equipment information:
- Manufacturer’s instructions for selection, installation and initial inspection
- Documents for electrical equipment with specific conditions of safe use, e.g. for equipment with certificate numbers which have the suffix “X”
- Descriptive system document for the intrinsically safe system (“DSD”)
- Details of any relevant calculation, e.g. for purging rates for instruments or analyser houses
- Manufacturer’s/qualified person’s declaration (equipment without certificates according to IEC standards).
Installation information:
- Engineering specifications
- Necessary information relating to the suitability of the equipment for the area and environment to which it will be exposed, e.g. temperature ratings, type of protection, IP rating, corrosion resistance, etc
- Plans showing types and details of wiring/ cabling systems
- Drawings and schedules relating to circuit identification
- Records of the initial inspection
- Installer’s/qualified person’s declaration (Competency of personnel)
Explosion Protection Document (EPD)
Under the ATEX Directive 1999/92/EC, which is now transposed into Irish legislation Part 8 of the 2007 Safety Health & Welfare at Work (General Applications) Regulations, it is concerned with the risks from fire and explosion arising from flammable substances stored or used in the workplace. A key part of this regulation is the design and use of an EPD (‘’Explosion Protection Document’’).
The content of this explosion protection document follows the recommendation of the HSA as found on the HSA website
‘’An EPD is an explosion protection document which contains the findings of a risk assessment of any work activity involving flammable/or explosive atmospheres. It may be incorporated or at least referenced in the Safety Statement, be part of other risk assessment documentation or included in the Safety Report for those establishments subject to the European Communities (Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations.’’
It must detail:
1. Technical or organisational measures so as to reduce or prevent the risk of explosions and measures used to mitigate the effects of an explosion.
2. the operation of early warning devices.
3. Training instruction and supervision given to staff who work in places where an explosive or flammable atmosphere may occur.
4. Operational procedures, maintenance, operation of permits to work, and co-ordination between employers.
5. Classified places where explosions may occur called hazardous zones and detail marking of areas as well as location.
6. Means of escape in the event of an explosion.
7. The properties of substances that present an explosion hazard.
8. Selection and use of suitable equipment for use in hazardous zones including certification and calibration documents.
9. Equipment used that is CE marked and in compliance with S.I. 230 of 2017 Equipment & protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres regulations 2017
10. Details of 3rd party ATEX inspection schedules.
11. How often the EPD is reviewed and when is it due to be reviewed again.
12. Detail the annual inspection schedule of all ATEX rated equipment.
If you would like to learn more about how we can assist you in designing or updating your Verification Dossier or Explosion Protection Document, please contact us on peter@alcamgroup.com or use the ”Contact Us” page.